Sunday, April 6, 2008

Best Pizza Topping

We went to Milano's and had pizza for my birthday. What's your favorite pizza topping? Vote in the poll, and then leave a comment to tell me your favorite kind of pizza, best place to get it, best thing to have with it, best pizza recipe, and anything else pizza.


Go here for my birthday pix >

The Winner is Sausage, followed by Pepperoni.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Only three people voted in my Vote for President Poll, so it's a three way tie. Now you need to vote again. Vote for Mickey Mouse, Gizmo, or Winnie the Pooh. Leave a comment to tell me why you voted for who you voted for. Love Carlie Rose.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Who Would You Vote For For President?

Who would you vote for for President of the United States. Vote Now!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

This weeks winner, MINT CHIP!!!! Raspberry chip is my favorite.
1st - Mint Chip 4 votes (57%)
2nd - Chocolate 2 votes (28%)
3rd - Vanilla 1 (14%)
3rd - Black Raspberry Chip 1 vote (14%)
3rd - Coffee 1 (14%)

Aunt Peggy said...
My favorite Ice Cream is Cherry Garcia. But wait...then there's Chunka Chunka Chocolate...oooh...wait...then there's Rocky Road...oh...geez..hold on a second..there's Blueberries n' Cream...oh...oops...don't forget Butter Pecan...oh...lordy...wait...then there' get the picture.

Mom said...
I first fell in love with mint chip ice cream when I was a little girl. I love Howard Johnson's mint chip ice cream. Then, came Baskin Robbin's mint chip ice cream when I was a little older. Baskin Robbin's mint chip is still my all time favorite. Since I've become an adult, I also get in the mood for coffee, Cherry Garcia, and pralines and cream from time to time.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What New Years Resolution should I keep in 2008?

Well...all one of you that voted in this weeks poll said I should do my homework, listen to my parents, not get into fights, and write more songs. Who voted. Who ever did please comment and put in your name. Because I want to know, thanks! Next poll January 9th!